Sleeping Beauty

“If you dream a thing more than once, it’s bound to come true!”

When we were little, most girls wanted to become ballerinas, princesses, or mermaids when we ‘grew up’. Now that we’re older and ask ourselves the same question, we will most likely answer with something completely different (and a little more achievable). Some still wish to be a professional dancer, some strive to become a successful business woman, while still others see themselves as becoming teachers or authors. No matter what your dream may be, I want to encourage you to follow it. You are young and beautiful and now is the time to set your sights high and work toward your goals. Map out a plan of where you ideally see yourself in five to ten years and the steps it will take to get there, whether that includes college, an internship, or applications. When (not if) you encounter a situation in which you question whether or not you should participate, think back to your original goals and ask yourself, “If I go through with this particular action, will this help or hinder me in achieving my goals?” This makes decision making so much easier and your ‘life map’ can act as a guide through difficult areas of your life. Continue dreaming your dreams and someday “the dream that you wish will come true”. ©

Hello, lords and ladies!

I have created this blog because the issue of women’s self-esteem has always interested me, especially being a victim of bullying in my youth and seeing the ‘advertising bullies’ pick on women 24/7.  I will take popular princess quotes, lyrics, stories, and character traits and evaluate them in order to create a lesson to be learned or send an empowering message to bring hope to young women. I have geared this blog toward girls of preteen age through early twenties, as this is when self-esteem issues are most common. I strive to make “Princess Perspective” a place where girls can connect with their childhood fantasy figures who will teach them to be strong, independent women in their everyday lives. ©