
What’s happened to you? You’re not the Simba I remember.
(Adult Simba) You’re right, I’m not. Now are you satisfied?
No, just disappointed.
You know you’re starting to sound like my father.
Good. At least one of us does.

Even in Disney movie romances, conflicts arise. It’s inevitable in any sort of relationship to disagree on certain topics because, well, you’re different people with different opinions on what’s right and what’s wrong. The key is to learn how to deal with these arguments and still be friends once the storm has passed. This takes a certain level of respect for the other person and compassion in your heart. While what they may say to you could anger or sadden you, you should honor what they’re saying as valid and hear them out. Sometimes seeing things through a different set of eyes can open up a world of possibilities you never would have thought of before. But if they aren’t coming from a place of love and are instead cruel or demeaning, it’s best to walk away from the situation until that person has calmed down. With time, they will most likely be able to talk about things in a calm and controlled way. It takes a strong will in order to deal with conflict in an adult manner, but with a few deep breaths and an open heart, all will be well again soon. ©