
Tink was not all bad: or, rather, she was all bad just now, but, on the other hand,
sometimes she was all good. Fairies have to be one thing or the other,
because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time.
They are, however, allowed to change, only it must be a complete change.

Sometimes, we’re kinda like fairies. We get so into something that we are only focused on that one thing. We can no longer hear people speaking to us, and not even a natural disaster could distract us from it. There’s a word for this kind of determination. You know what it is? Passion. This is a feeling that goes beyond your average emotion. It’s a fire that burns deep within us that no one can extinguish. Perhaps this is where Tink gets all of her spunk. She has an attitude and speaks whatever’s on her mind – even if only one person can really understand her. I admire her for that. In fact, I strive to be like her for this reason. Besides, she’s also strong, intelligent, and pretty darn cute. So I’d like to make a suggestion: when you’re feeling a little down, throw your hair up in a fairy bun and channel her personality. A little sass goes a long way. ©